Update 17.08.2015:
Official answer from Microsoft USA. It’s been finally decided that the Management Pack is discontinued. Disappointing.
However, feel free to use my fixed Management Pack.
Update 16.10.2014:
I’ve unsealed the Managemant Pack and added the missing strings. You cannot upgrade the existing one as I don’t have the signing keys. Good luck!
Download: Microsoft.OfficeWebAppsServer_Custom
Update 12.02.2014:
Apologies for the delay.
It’s been finally decided that Office Web Apps Server MP will be released by the Web Apps Server team.
My team is working on getting this out the door as soon as possible, but there will be official release.
Update 18.12.2013: Our support engineer told us the development of this management pack has been discontinued for now. 🙁
In most case Microsoft offers a management pack for operations manager shortly after release within a few weeks or month.
This is not the case for Office Web Apps 2013 for Exchange/Lync/SharePoint. The Guide was released more than a year ago. As stated in the Document, Management Pack “Microsoft.OfficeWebAppsServer.mp” + “MicrosoftOfficeWebAppsServer.Config” is needed to monitor Office Web Apps Server 2013. So where to find it?
There is a link on technet forums and this is exactly the same that we received from the support engineer. You can download the management pack from the link at the end of the thread.
This is a buggy version of the management pack but it works. I will update the post when I get a release date.
Guide – http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34594
Management Pack – http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/9/E/49EA21D0-CDF9-469F-805D-AC31527A55F2/microsoft.officewebappsserver.mp
I’ve had the same experience with SCOM 2012 RTM. Are there any known improvisations to make the MP a bit more usable?
Hi, I don’t know when microsoft releases the final MP yet.
As workaround you can unseal the Management Pack and add the captions, as this is the only thing missing in this version of the mp.
I’ve done this for you right here:
Upgrade of the existing MP is not possible.
Where can I get the MicrosoftOfficeWebAppsServer.Config file from?
Its not needed and does not exist.
why it is not needed?
Hello Jimmy, there is no way to import it. Its not referenced or being used by the management pack.
Hi thanks for reply.
my company has just started to use scom for sharepoint. But i am not not allow to use unsealed MPs. Could you able to show me wat to edit in config file?
Hello Jimmy,
my Management Pack is sealed. However you just need to download the Management Pack from Microsoft (link in post) and unseal it. With the SCOM Authoring Tools you can add the missing strings and seal it again. If you need further help send me an email.
How do I know if the mgmt pack is working? We have SCOM 2012 R2 and I installed your version. I don’t see any associated groups created and the mgmt pack doesnt really show any information in the console when you click on it or any of the sub-items (Events, Performance, State).
Hello Adam,
after you have installed the management pack you have to wait a couple of hours so that the information will show up. I’vent changed anything on the management pack except the missing strings.
You may install the one of microsoft as well (parallel install possible) to verify my adjusted MP is working as intended.
Thanks for the quick reply. I found out that it helps if you remove the server from maintenance mode :]
Great, happy monitoring 🙂