Update 17.08.2015:
Official answer from Microsoft USA. It’s been finally decided that the Management Pack is discontinued. Disappointing.
However, feel free to use my fixed Management Pack.
Update 16.10.2014:
I’ve unsealed the Managemant Pack and added the missing strings. You cannot upgrade the existing one as I don’t have the signing keys. Good luck!
Download: Microsoft.OfficeWebAppsServer_Custom
Update 12.02.2014:
Apologies for the delay.
It’s been finally decided that Office Web Apps Server MP will be released by the Web Apps Server team.
My team is working on getting this out the door as soon as possible, but there will be official release.
Update 18.12.2013: Our support engineer told us the development of this management pack has been discontinued for now. 🙁
In most case Microsoft offers a management pack for operations manager shortly after release within a few weeks or month.
This is not the case for Office Web Apps 2013 for Exchange/Lync/SharePoint. The Guide was released more than a year ago. As stated in the Document, Management Pack “Microsoft.OfficeWebAppsServer.mp” + “MicrosoftOfficeWebAppsServer.Config” is needed to monitor Office Web Apps Server 2013. So where to find it?
There is a link on technet forums and this is exactly the same that we received from the support engineer. You can download the management pack from the link at the end of the thread.
This is a buggy version of the management pack but it works. I will update the post when I get a release date.
Guide – http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34594
Management Pack – http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/9/E/49EA21D0-CDF9-469F-805D-AC31527A55F2/microsoft.officewebappsserver.mp
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